Morán Barrio, Jorgelina

Associate Researcher, Project Director


Jorgelina Morán Barrio is Biotechnologist and PhD in Biological Sciences from the Faculty of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (FCByF) of the National University of Rosario (UNR). She completed her doctorate at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Rosario (IBR, CONICET) of the same Faculty, under the direction of Dr. Alejandro Viale, and a post-doctorate with Dr. Alejandro Vila at Metalloproteins laboratory.

At present, she is Project Leader in the Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobials group, directed by Dr. A. Viale, at the IBR. She is a teacher of Microbiology at the FCByF, UNR. Her research lines focus on the study of plasmid evolution and dissemination carrying resistance genes among clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii, and the role of environmental strains that could act as reservoir for these genes, such as A. bareziniae. Also, she studies the contribution of secreted proteins associated to extracellular vesicles to the physiopathology of A. baumannii as a nosocomial pathogen.

She is director of Project ANPCyT PICT2017-3536 “Evolución y diseminación de plásmidos conteniendo genes de carbapenemasas tipo-OXA en cepas clínicas locales multirresistentes de Acinetobacter baumannii”, and CONICET PIP 11220170100377CO “Contribución de las proteínas secretadas en vesículas de membrana externa a la fisiopatología del patógeno nosocomial Acinetobacter baumannii”.

Direction of doctorate students:

Lic. Lucía Giacone

Lic. Ailén Micaela Morales Flores

Co-direction of doctorate students:

Lic. Rocío Inés Sánchez

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=17344045400

Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5952-9337

Ig: @moran.jorgelina


Sede CCT Rosario

Ocampo y Esmeralda, Predio CONICET-Rosario
2000 Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel. 54-341-4237070 / 4237500 / 4237200

Sede Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas

Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Suipacha 531
2000 Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel. +54 341 4350596 / 4350661 / 4351235

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