We study how the sequence and structure of non-coding RNA precursors determine the sequence, abundance, and activity of microRNAs. We investigate in detail the biogenesisand mechanisms of action of these small RNAs, how they interact with plant growth and development programs, and their response to environmental factors such as drought and temperature changes.
We analyze how transcription factors control plant growth and how they, in turn, are regulated. We focus on the molecular mechanisms that regulate transcription factors, especially microRNAs, in key biological processes. Changes in these networks can significantly impact plant development and crop yield.
New plant breeding technologies, such as gene editing, are often limited by the ability to regenerate plants from edited cells. Our group studies the molecular mechanisms involved in stem cell regeneration in plants, both in organ regeneration and in vitro cultures, with the goal of developing biotechnological tools to be used in combination with gene editing systems.
Claudia Banchio es bioquímica, doctora en Ciencias Biológicas y cofundadora de EXO+, startup de nuestro portfolio.
Desde el @IBR_CONICET, lidera investigaciones que regeneran neuronas utilizando exosomas de células madre neurales.