Rasia, Rodolfo

Group Director, Independent Researcher


Rodolfo Rasia has a degree in Biotechnology and a PhD in Biological Sciences from the School of Biochemistry and Pharmacy of the National University of Rosario (FCByF-UNR). He obtained his Ph.D under the direction of Alejandro J. Vila. Later he did postdoctoral stays at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (MPI-BPC) in Göttingen Germany, with Thomas Jovin, and at the Institute of Structural Biology (IBS) of Grenoble in France, with Jerôme Boisbouvier, specializing in NMR spectroscopy of biological macromolecules. Back in Argentina, he joined the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Rosario (IBR) as a researcher and ​​the FCByF-UNR as professor of Biophysics. He currently leads the group of Biophysics of Molecular Recognition at the IBR. His scientific career was always centered around the physicochemical study of proteins and the application of different spectroscopic methods to understand their structure and function. His current work focuses on protein-mediated molecular recognition, both of different molecules (nucleic acids, small substrates) and of other proteins, and the order-disorder transitions that happen in these systems (induced folding, conformational stability).




Twitter: @FitoDeRosario; @bmr_ibr


Sede CCT Rosario

Ocampo y Esmeralda, Predio CONICET-Rosario
2000 Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel. 54-341-4237070 / 4237500 / 4237200

Sede Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas

Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Suipacha 531
2000 Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel. +54 341 4350596 / 4350661 / 4351235

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