Dr. Lelia Orsaria, of the IBR, is the first graduate of specialization in technological entailment


Technological entailment specialization has its first graduate. Dr. Lelia Orsaria , of the IBR, just defend its integrative final project.

The Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL ) already has its first graduate career Specialization Bonding and Technology Management , a cross race powers and whose administrative headquarters is the Faculty of Biochemistry and Biological Sciences ( FBCB ) .
The first is called Lelia Orsaria specialist , is a PhD in Biochemistry from the National University of Rosario and the FBCB Biochemistry at UNL . Currently works at the Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology of Rosario , where he focuses on issues of technological linkages , and is a member of CONICET and principal professional support staff .

Lelia Orsaria defended his final integrator project ” Organization or adequacy of an existing structure within an academic unit and a National Public University to expedite technological linkages and therefore the transfer of technology and services not standardized ” .

The principal work was Amadeo Cellino , current General Manager of the Coastal Center Technology Park ( PTLC – SAPEM ) . Evaluators were Abeledo Carlos Eduardo and Julio Matozo Tealdo , all teachers of Specialization.

After receiving his graduate degree earned , Orsaria said that ” I really poured me dedicated to doing basic and applied research , and realize that this knowledge can be transferred to the productive sector , which is critical.” The completion of this specialization “allowed me a way to channel and shape , how to realize the transfer of knowledge,” said the graduate .

The role of interface structure

Lelia Orsaria has already done work for technology transfer within the Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology of Rosario , advising on private human genetics and medical institutes , and advising companies on how to establish laboratories.

Based on this experience is that the subject decided to graduate. He said: ” The final work was to optimize the operation of the Foundation of the Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology of Rosario in order to fulfill its role as interface structure and make better use of that knowledge is generated in this Institute in the areas of molecular and cell biology of plants and microbes and thus be better utilized by Rosario and its region. ”
The graduate said that ” this interface must have the ability to interpret and translate the problems and requirements of firms and be able to transfer them to the science and technology system so that it, in turn , can offer possible solutions.”

In turn , as part of the race, made ​​a practice Orsaria two offices Transfer Outcomes (TTO ) in Spain : Alicante University and the Polytechnic Institute of Valencia. “This allowed me to meet and relate structures designed to streamline the activities of knowledge transfer to the business environment of Spain . Although their structures are similar , they could differentiate between them because each system is unique innovation . In Argentina there are some places that have taken the model of TTO and some not, which shows that it is not necessary to take a single model uncritically but should be the result of the integration of each Regional Innovation System Features ” clarified Orsaria .

About the Career

Career Specialization Bonding and Technology Management ( CONEAU Res 920/ 09) is issued since 2010 and since then his goal is to become a transformer and instrument to stimulate regional production structure , by contributing to the training and specialization of resources human .

The race is for college graduates with responsibilities and management processes that perform productive innovation in companies, agencies or state sector scientific and technological system , and intermediary organizations .

In 2012 began its second cohort with an enrollment of 23 regular students , of which 15 belong to the public sector , while eight are from the private sector.

For more information on career and professional development courses that are taught under the Training Program Liaison and Technology Management ( GTEC Coast – Center ) , please contact:

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Sede CCT Rosario

Ocampo y Esmeralda, Predio CONICET-Rosario
2000 Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel. 54-341-4237070 / 4237500 / 4237200

Sede Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas

Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Suipacha 531
2000 Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel. +54 341 4350596 / 4350661 / 4351235

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