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2. Barceló-Coblijn G*, Martin ML*, de Almeida R, Noguera-Salvà MA,
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transformation of glioma cells and in 2-hydroxyoleic acid therapy. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2011. Vol 108, num. 49. 19569–19574. (*Both authors
contributed equally to this work).
3. Terés S, Lladó V, Higuera M, Barceló-Coblijn G, Martin ML, Noguera MA,
García-Verdugo JM, Saus C, Busquets X, Escribá PV. 2-Hydroxyoleate a
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num. 22. 8489-8494.
4. Terés S, Lladó V, Higuera M, Barceló-Coblijn G, Martin ML, Noguera MA,
Marcilla-Etxenike A, García-Verdugo JM, Soriano-Navarro M, Saus C,
Gomez-Pinedo U, Busquets X, Escribá PV. Normalization of sphingomyelin
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cells. Autophagy. 2012. 8:10. 1542-1544.
5. Marcilla-Etxenike A, Martín ML, Noguera-Salvà MA, García-Verdugo JM,
Soriano-Navarro M, Dey I, Escribá PV, Busquets X. 2-Hydroxyoleic acid
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6. Martin ML*, Barceló-Coblijn G*, de Almeida R, Noguera-Salvà MA, Terés
S, Higuera M, Schmitz G, Liebisch G, Busquets X, Escribá PV. The role of
membrane fatty acid remodeling in the antitumor mechanism of action of
2-hydroxyoleic acid. BBA Biomembranes. 2013. 1828 (5); 1405-13 (*Both
authors contributed equally to this work).
7. Martin ML, Liebisch G, Lehneis S, Schmitz G, Alonso-Sande M,
Bestard-Escalas J, Lopez DH, García-Verdugo JM, Soriano-Navarro M, Busquets
X, Escribá PV, Barceló-Coblijn G. The sustained activation of sphingomyelin
synthase by 2-hydroxyoleic acid induces sphingolipidosis in tumor cells. J
Lipid Res. 2013. 54. 1457-1465.
8. Piotto S, Concilio S, Bianchino E, Iannelli P, López DJ, Terés, S,
Ibargurem M, Barceló-Coblijn G, Martin ML, Guardiola-Serrano F, Alonso-Sande
M, Funari SS, Busquets X, Escribá PV. Differential effect of 2-hydroxyoleic
acid enantiomers on protein (sphingomyelin synthase) and lipid (membrane)
targets. 2014. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta.
9. Fernández R, Lage S, Abad-García B, Barceló-Coblijn G, Terés S, López
DH, Guardiola-Serrano F, Martin ML, Escribá PV, Fernández, JA. Analysis of
the Lipidome of Xenografts Using MALDI-IMS and UHPLC-ESI-QTOF. Journal of
the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. 2014.