The Biotechnology Council of the province of Santa Fe , met today at the IBR Institute , CONICET next to Rosario and Santa Fe, national regional universities , biotech companies and the municipality of Rosario and Santa Fe
The objective of this dependent secretariat of the Ministry of Production Santa Fe , is the articulation of the state , the university and the private sector to advise politically biotechnology-based companies regarding the distribution of funds and financial support.
Mr. Juan José Sarasola , Secretary of System Technology Based Firms , noted that today’s meeting was deepened in the creation of two financing tools for entrepreneurs, through grants of up to $ 50,000 and a revolving fund for small businesses, which has 2 million for loans up to $ 500,000.
It expects to launch the calls this year , meanwhile, will advance on the interaction and knowledge of each of the actors involved , the secretary said.
So far reference biotech companies are Bioceres , Novara and Wiener Laboratories , Diagramma , Terragene , Zeltek and Keclon .