From 10 to 13 September visited our Institute Dr. Bruce Barry , Professor of the Department of Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville , USA and Associate SEERC (Sustainable Energy and Education Research Center) from the same university director .
Visit motivated by choice of Dr. Bruce, aimed to strengthen links between research groups from both institutions . His research group IBR and researchers have done work on the same subject for years competing through literature. Now both groups are close to leverage resources and strategies , achieving closer collaboration .
Dr. Bruce is an expert in molecular biology plant. One of his topics of study is the process by which proteins find their final destinations within the plant cells . Specifically , he has studied for years and currently does actively mechanisms of recognitions sequences that direct proteins to chloroplasts , the organelles responsible for photosynthesis. On this subject , gave a conference to present their latest findings .
Furthermore, studies Bruce using photosynthetic processes applied so as to obtain clean fuels or hydrogen to produce electricity . These systems have much higher efficiency than currently available. This issue is so important that the world Forbes magazine , in 2007 , elected Dr. Bruce as one of the 10 scientists who can change the world.
At that time, Forbes magazine said ” Everyone agrees that we need new ways to meet the energy demands of the future, but there is little consensus on how. Does nuclear fission ? Engine ? Cleaner coal? Is the Bio -diesel ? Bruce is among a small handful of researchers suggest a totally different way. Nature has a very efficient way of producing energy from the sun , photosynthesis -, why I can not put to work ”
In this regard the researcher also gave an open lecture to the public where he showed his latest findings . Showed how from the remarkable effectiveness, stability and renewal isolated photosystems , the group managed to make them work as photovoltaic devices and light -driven hydrogen production or electricity catalysts. These ” biohybrid ” systems are economical, sustainable and environmentally friendly for bioenergy production .
In addition to these conferences, Bruce held a series of meetings with researchers and fellows of the Institute, in order to encourage the exchange of ideas, knowing the potential of the different groups and lay the groundwork for future collaborations.
Finally , the researcher mentioned his intention to promote both the University to which he belongs as our Institute , establish mechanisms to train and connect other researchers who are interested in this discipline.