1) Contact us beforehand (uem_ibr@ibr-conicet.gov.ar): We will inform you if we can perform the analysis you need and the general conditions for receiving and processing samples, together with the total cost of the study.
2) Get an appointment at the SNEM by following the instructions:
3) Complete the sample submission form following the instructions. Provide as much information as possible.
UEM IBR Sample Form.
4) To send samples in acrylamide gels, follow the following instructions:
Sample preparation by SDS-PAGEInstructions to avoid contamination
5) Send the samples: Attach the form and notify by email that you have sent them.
Staff in charge
Dr. Eduardo Ceccarelli - Director
Dr. Germán Rosano - Co-Director
Lic. Alejo Cantoia - Técnico profesional
Dr. Enrique Morales - Técnico profesional
#diadelamujerylaninaenlaciencia 👩🔬
Celebramos este día en la voz de nuestra investigadora de ingreso mas reciente en IBR!
👉Reflexionar sobre la vocación, las dificultades y los logros de las mujeres que eligen la ciencia como un camino de vida es un paso mas hacia la equidad.