As part of the Associate Membership of Argentina’s network of European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MINCyT) organized jointly with the Institute of Molecular Biology Cellular and Rosario the first EMBL Structural Biology Workshop that was held in Rosario on […]
IBR was presented in the ” Libreciencia “, which aims to achieve a balance with the Secondary School Improvement in the Teaching of Science and stimulate scientific vocations . A group of doctoral fellows of the Institute involved in the project showed the progress made to […]
Juan Manuel and Maria Eugenia Zaballa Debernardi formed in the IBR , were distinguished by international postdoctoral fellowship program among 747 applicants worldwide . Scholarships awarded annually by the International Programme “Human Frontier Science” ( HFSPO ) benefit young researchers started his scientific career and wish […]
Dr. Jean Marie Ruysschaert the Centre de Biologie et de Bioinformatique Structurale Structure des Membranes et Fonction Biologiques-Universite Libre de Bruxelles, yesterday gave a seminar entitled IBR “New Role of Lipids in the Structure and Function of multidrug transporters. “ The researcher is a close associate […]
CONICET researchers studying new metabolic pathways in lactic acid bacteria. One potential way to develop high-quality food and control potential health risks . For over ten years Christian Magni , biochemical and principal investigator of CONICET at the Laboratory of Physiology and Genetics of Lactic Acid […]
Rosario researchers participated in the development of a new class of antibiotics capable of attacking resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA stands for ) , a bacterium that causes infections that do not respond to commonly used drugs such as penicillin. This class of compounds, called oxadiazoles , […]
The Lecture Series for the second consecutive year that takes the IBR, already has the 2014 schedule. The activity aims to provide an opportunity to discuss progress and new ideas in relation to the biological sciences, conducted by leading researchers in the country. “We seek to […]
Lucas Pontel doctorate in the IBR in 2010 under the direction of Fernando Soncini for 2 years and is based in Cambridge , England doing postdoctoral studies . These days , visited the country and gave a seminar at the IBR on their current research topic. […]
A group of researchers from the IBR , discovered that a particular type of fatty acids present in the content of the human diet , they act as inhibitory signals involved in the invasion process bacteria Salmonella enterica in the body infected . The finding opens […]
The new body will have an initial budget of 70 million pesos. Governor Antonio Bonfatti presented yesterday the Santa Fe Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation – Asactei , a public- private initiative that aims to promote and strengthen an instrument for the promotion of science, […]