Research projects in our laboratory are broadly focused on different aspects of the molecular mechanisms of defence and pathogenesis of diseases induced by virus and bacteria in plants.
Proteins are essential for every living cell, participating in all cellular processes. The knowledge of their structure and function enables understanding the cell and living organisms’ functioning. Our group studies proteins by analyzing the relationships between their structures and functions and their possible metabolic roles in […]
Plants and other multicellular organisms require precise control of gene expression during their growth and development, as well as in response to environmental changes and to defend their genome. Part of this regulation occurs at the RNA level through gene silencing mediated by small RNAs. Our […]
In our group basic and applied microbiology research lines are carried out. In terms of basic research, environmental contaminant degradation pathways are studied, as well as pathways regulating the formation of bacterial biofilms and their relationship with metal oxidation. Regarding applied microbiology, the group works following […]
Plant pathogenic bacteria are responsible for the loss of productivity of many crops in the world. Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc) is responsible for citrus canker, a disease that causes great economic losses in citrus producing areas. Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Psto) produces bacterial speck […]
Most cellular functions come as a result of the interplay of a huge number of differential interactions between macromolecules and ligands, which define what has been termed the “interactome”. The nature of each interaction may be essential for a number of biological processes ranging from the […]