Mini Bio

Blancato, Victor

Independent Researcher, Project Director

Víctor Blancato has a degree in Biotechnology from the Faculty of Biochemistry and Biological Sciences of the National University of Litoral; he completed his Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from the Faculty of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (FBIOyF) of the National University of Rosario at the Institute of Cellular and Molecular Biology of Rosario under the direction of Dr. Christian Magni. He did research stays at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands), at the MICALIS laboratory (INRA-AgroParisTech, France), at the University of Florida (USA), and at the University of Caen Normandy (France). He is currently a teacher of Practical Works at FBIOyF and is independent researcher of CONICET, working as Project Director in the Laboratory of physiology and genetics of lactic acid bacteria (IBR). He participated in the development of lactic acid bacteria for the production of biopharmaceuticals and vaccines. He applies genomics and metagenomics techniques to evaluate the impact of using lactic acid bacteria producing recombinant enzymes as a technology to supplement or inoculate silage for livestock nutrition. In addition, through a bioinformatics approach, selects probable virulence factors of microorganisms present in food to: perform comparative virulence analysis using the insect Galleria mellonella as a model; and study the virulence and regulation mechanisms involved.



Twitter: @VictorBlancato

Instagram: @victorsb14


Sede CCT Rosario

Ocampo y Esmeralda, Predio CONICET-Rosario
2000 Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel. 54-341-4237070 / 4237500 / 4237200

Sede Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas

Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Suipacha 531
2000 Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel. +54 341 4350596 / 4350661 / 4351235

BioAtlantis is a partner in #CropPrime, a @HorizonEU project focused on developing Molecular Priming technologies to enhance crop tolerance to stresses caused by #climatechange. We are delighted to collaborate with @IBR_CONICET & others in this project.

#BioAtlantis #Innovation